Advice From an Arborist in Weston CT Helps Prevent Future Problems When Planting Trees

by | Dec 15, 2017 | landscaping

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An Arborist in Weston CT can advise property owners whether the locations they’ve chosen for new trees are suitable, as placement is important for tree health and vigor. Other considerations also must be taken into account, such as whether leaf drop in fall will affect neighbors to a large extent and cause frustration for them.

Aesthetics and Function

Arborists help homeowners place trees for aesthetic value and sometimes a functional purpose, such as creating a screen of sorts between properties or making a chain-link fence look more attractive. Shade is another primary reason that people want trees in the yard. They might want trees near a patio or deck, or another part of the yard where they plan to relax in lawn chairs and enjoy their time off. And some people want trees so they can grow their own fruit.

Understanding Species Characteristics

Various types of trees thrive under different conditions. They all need a certain amount of sunshine, for instance, but some do well in the shade while others grow better in sunnier conditions. Some will become stunted if placed too close to another tree, while others grow faster as though in a competition for sun and air.

Preventing Future Problems

Long-term growth patterns also must be considered; an Arborist in Weston, CT can help with this. Homeowners who plant their own saplings commonly don’t realize what will happen 10 or 15 years later.

For example, root growth from some species can extend very far from the tree. Those roots can invade underground sewer lines and cause backups and an eventual need for sewer pipe replacement. Trees and their roots also can cause sidewalks to buckle and driveways to crack. Their branches can extend over roofs and need frequent trimming to stop scraping across shingles. Branches also can encroach on power lines.

With advice from arborists from an organization such as Northeast Horticultural Services, homeowners can prevent the broad range of problems that trees can cause. They can still have an abundance of these beautiful plants in the yard while avoiding some of the hassles. Visit the website to learn about this company’s services.

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