An In-Depth Look at Your Neighborhood Employment Law Attorneys in Northampton, MA

by | Aug 23, 2018 | Attorneys

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In today’s legal landscape, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is tasked with regulating, enforcing, and processing the rules and guidelines regarding fair and unprejudiced employment. Shown below are the six primary categories that are protected from occupational discrimination under US law:

  • Race and skin color
  • Religious beliefs
  • Physical disabilities and genetic issues
  • National origin and ethnicity
  • Age
  • Sex-related aspects, such as pregnancy and orientation

The bridge between your livelihood and your rights is safeguarded by local employment law attorneys. This brief report will shed some light on this specific legal sector and expound on the information you need to know.

Evaluating Occupational Law

The most well regarded employment law attorneys in Northampton, MA are renowned for being able to go head-to-head with corporate legal teams for the sake of employees’ rights, but take a look behind the scenes to gain a clearer picture of work-related law:

  • Ever since 1997, the cumulative number of discrimination and wrongful termination charges across the United States has surged by upwards of 25%.
  • The most pervasive cases involve retaliatory actions by employers, race-based discrimination, and sexual or gender-related misconduct.
  • Even though companies can reduce their legal exposure by as much as 50% simply by instituting best practices and procedures and anti-discriminatory measures, the majority of US firms – both big and small – continue to ignore the importance of workers rights.

Another growing concern for employment law attorneys is the rising prevalence of age discrimination, as evidenced by the fact that 64% of US workers have either witnessed or experienced some type of age-based injustice during the past 12 months.

Obtaining Cost-Effective Support

Simply by discussing your trepidations and worries with a compassionate team of employment law attorneys, you’ll be able to formulate a concise, tactful strategy to defend your income, job status, and future prospects.

So, if you find yourself feeling uneasy or perturbed by an uncomfortable situation at work, head over to to rectify your unique problem in an economical fashion.

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