Assessing Home Care Assistance Needs

by | Apr 12, 2016 | Senior Center

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Home Care Assistance is not a one size fits all program. Every individual can assess their needs and determine what type of care they actually require. While one person may need everyday assistance, another may only require a nurse to check in with them every so often. Assessing needs help ensure each person receives the exact care they desire.


Some people require transportation to and from various locations. This is often because driving is difficult to manage, or an illness or condition prevents a person from driving altogether. A caregiver may transport people to doctor’s appointments and checkups when needed.

Medication Management

Medication is often necessary for seniors, as a number of illnesses can develop with a weakening immune system. Many find it difficult to take these new medications every time they are supposed to. Medication management ensures a caregiver provides each type of medicine at a designated time. It means no more forgetting to take pills and suffering because of it. Someone is there to make sure each pill is taken so it can do its intended job of keeping people healthy.

Night Checks

Those that struggle with sleeping or have issues at night can receive a night check. This means a nurse comes through each night and does a simple check up. They may even simply keep people company who need it.

Personal Care

Many have trouble keeping their places clean. Others even struggle to look after themselves, such as changing clothes and bathing regularly. A nurse is available to help with these personal care needs, picking up messes and keeping people clean who cannot manage on their own.

The Regency Assisted Living Center offers a variety of home care needs. Home Care Assistance is offered to those who live in the community in the independent living program. This means people essentially live on their own and maintain independence, but still receive the help they need, when they need it. Those that require more routine care can stay in the assisted living area. This often means each of the available services are offered on a daily basis. You can also connect them on Facebook for more updates.

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