If you were involved in a motor vehicle accident, then you may have sustained a herniated disc or whiplash injuries. These types of injuries can affect your facial nerve, causing unbearable symptoms. Fortunately, auto injury doctors in Orlando can help treat facial nerve inju ries without surgery. Here are some conservative treatment options your doctor may recommend.
B Vitamins
The facial nerve, which is your seventh cranial nerve, may get damaged or compressed as a result of your auto accident. Facial nerve damage can cause burning and tingling sensations in your face, severe pain, numbness, and facial itching. B vitamins may play a role in nerve healing, so your auto injury doctors in Orlando may recommend that you take a multivitamin that contains B vitamins. If you prefer to get your B vitamins through dietary interventions, you can eat more foods such vegetables, fish, chicken, spinach, and brown rice. Although B vitamins can help heal facial nerve damage, it may take months before you notice an improvement.
Massage Therapy
After your doctor determines that you have facial nerve damage, he or she may recommend massage therapy. Massage can help decrease nerve inflammation, relieve pain, and promote optimal blood flow to the affected area to help with nerve regeneration. Your doctor can recommend a massage therapist or chiropractic physician who has experience treating patients with nerve damage. Getting a massage by an unqualified person may worsen your condition and delay nerve healing.