Auto Insurance Nassau County NY Offers Will Get Your Teen Driving

by | Nov 25, 2013 | Insurance

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All 50 states now have a minimum level of auto insurance that all drivers must purchase to legally be able to drive. Some states are much higher than others. One of the highest rates for auto insurance Nassau County NY offers is to cover teen drivers. This is because teen drivers are some of the highest liability drivers on the highway. Many teenagers have a superman complex. They think there is nothing that they cannot do. Unfortunately, this attitude behind the wheel translates into accidents.

Distracted driving is another strike against teen drivers. They will be attempting to drive down the road while talking on their cell phones, sending text messages, laughing and talking with friends in the car and more. Many times they do not obey the traffic laws, make unsafe lane changes, fail to use their turn signals, and speed. All of these behaviors can easily cause an accident. If they have an accident before they are on a full unrestricted license their Auto Insurance Nassau companies offers will go up even more.

To receive an unrestricted drivers license in the state of New York all teen drivers must go through three different phases. For each of these phases you are required to be added to one of the policies for Auto Insurance Nassau County NY offers. They must be covered under a policy which meets the state’s minimum of $25,000/$50,000/$10,000. They must also have $50,000 in personal injury protection insurance.

The first phase is a learner’s license. The teen can receive this when they are 16 years old. During this time they must be supervised behind the wheel. They must keep this level of license for six months and during that six month period they must complete a minimum of 50 hours of driving time behind the wheel. Of this 50 hours, at least 15 hours must be completed at night.

The next level is their intermediate license. They can receive this at 16 1/2 years old once they have completed the 50 hours that was required for their learner’s license. They must stay at this stage until they are 17 years old. Once they are 17, and if they have completed a driver’s education course they are able to obtain an unrestricted license. If they have not completed a driver’s education class they must wait until they turn 18.


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