Basic Ideas for Getting Organized in Your Texas Student Apartment

by | Sep 16, 2022 | Student Housing Center

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You’ve already moved into your own student apartment and are trying to get everything organized. With a few helpful tips, you can keep all of your belongings in place in each room of your home without anything overflowing onto the floor to create more clutter.


There’s nothing like covering up with a soft blanket in off-campus housing at TTU, especially in the fall and winter months. However, all of those blankets could become overwhelming if they are all over your bed or on the couch. A way to keep them all organized is to roll them so that they can easily fit inside a wire bin. The bin can act as a decorative piece for your bedroom as well.


A whiteboard with colorful markers is a way to organize your thoughts during the week while also maintaining a schedule when you live in off-campus housing at TTU. If you live with other people, then you can use the board to write important notes to each other, such as when you’re going to be home or if someone needs to pick up something at the store.


An easy way to keep bags, jackets, and other items that hang on the wall is to use hooks with a sticky backing. All you need to do is press the adhesive and the hook on the area of the wall where you want to hang your belongings. Since there are usually different sizes, you want to get some that are larger for heavier items.

For more ideas, contact Capstone Cottages of Lubbock at You can also like them on Facebook for more information.

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