Benefits Of Hiring a Professional Sewer Cleaning Service in Tracy CA

by | Nov 10, 2015 | Plumbing and Plumbers

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For anyone who has ever had a serious drain clog, they understand how much it can damper their day. In fact, they will likely do whatever necessary to have it cleared away quickly. For some homeowners, this means purchasing and using a chemical-laden drain cleaner. However, these products can seriously damage the pipes, especially if they are used continually. When a major drain clog is present, it is essential to call a professional Sewer Cleaning Service in Tracy CA. Some of the benefits of calling in the professionals are found here.

Equipment that is Safe for Pipes Used

One of the primary reasons to select a professional Sewer Cleaning Service in Tracy CA is because they have equipment that is safe to use. Chemical cleaners for the drain can cause injuries to exposed eyes or skin, and they may even wind up damaging the pipes. Also, these products are extremely ineffective at actually getting rid of the blockage. The only safe do-it-yourself option for clearing a clog is a plunger. However, if this is not an effective option, then a professional will have more advanced methods.

Completely Remove Clogs

When a professional service is called, they will also use specialized tools that will be able to completely remove the clog, instead of just pushing it further down into the pipe. This can be done by using a motorized or a handheld drain auger, which will put the blockage out of the drain. For even better results, hydro jetting technology can be used where thin hoses are used to blast water through the pipes at a very high pressure and into the sewer system.

Prevention of Future Clogs

When hydro jetting is used, chances are a homeowner will not see future clogs for quite a while. If there is any type of sludge that is stuck on the sides of the pipes, the debris can begin to clink and collect until the entire pipe is completely blocked.

For those who are interested, they can click here to get more info. Doing so will help them make an educated decision regarding why hiring a professional is the best option. Taking the time to do this will help ensure that the clog is gone for good.

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