Benefits of New Residential Window Installation In Laurel MD

by | Nov 15, 2017 | Construction and Maintenance

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If a person is living in an old home, chances are the windows in the home are old as well. Not only can this have a negative effect on the appearance of the home, but old windows can also cost the homeowner a lot of money each year. There are several reasons why the homeowner should consider new Residential Window Installation in Laurel MD.

Saves on Energy Bills

Old windows tend to be very drafty. This means that cold air will come into the home during the winter and warm air will come into the home during the summer. This would require the heating system and the air conditioning system to work harder, resulting in higher energy bills. If the homeowner installs new windows, they would be sealed up tight and there would be no drafts.

Security Purposes

Intruders will often try to gain access to the home through the windows first. The locks on most old windows are not very secure. If the windows are very old, the locks might not even work anymore. The best way for a homeowner to provide additional security to their home is to install new windows with stronger, more secure locks.

Less Maintenance

Old windows are often made of wood and they are painted. Over time, the paint can start to chip. This would require that the homeowner sand the windows down and repaint them every few years. New windows are made of either aluminum or vinyl. These materials don’t need to be painted. The only maintenance that new windows would require is to be wiped down occasionally to keep them clean.

Morel Natural Light Into the Home

As windows age, they tend to develop a yellow tint. Regardless of how often the homeowner cleans the windows, the tint cannot be removed. Also, most old windows have tiny scratches all over the glass. These two issues can reduce the amount of natural light that comes into the home. New windows are perfectly clear, allowing light to come in and the homeowner to get a clear view out the window.

Old windows are high-maintenance, ugly, and very costly. If a person has old windows in their home, they should consider new Residential Window Installation in Laurel MD. For more information, Click Here.

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