Benefits of Radon Removal in Denver CO

by | Oct 12, 2021 | Business Services

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Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is formed mostly from the breakdown of the uranium found in soil, rock and water. This natural gas may invade a home through cracks in the foundation of the home. Because the pressure in a home is often lower than outside of the home, the gas will naturally move through the cracks of the foundation and make its way to the inside of the home. To keep a system in equilibrium in the case of increased pressure, according to one of the laws of chemistry, the system tends to favor the side which has fewer gas moles.

This gas is hard to detect without specialized equipment. It has no smell, no taste and it invisible to the naked eye. Therefore, when the gas is being inhaled, there is not a warning sign that the air is not safe. Over time, consistent inhaling of the gas may lead to lung cancer. To find out if a home or building has radon in the air, a licensed and insured company should be hired to provide accurate testing for gas leaks and proper radon removal in Denver CO. The highly qualified and trained specialists will usually provide a free on-site investigation and accurate estimate for the radon removal.

It is usually in the best interest of new homeowners to get a professional to do a walk-thru of the home to test for the presence of gas before the paperwork is finalized. It is also recommended to get new testing for radon removal at least once per year after the initial testing. For added protection, some homeowners prefer to install a radon mitigation system. This system circulates air from beneath the lowest floor level to the outside of the home above the roof. This configuration helps to prevent the gas from circulating through the home. The most popular type of mitigation system homeowners prefer when requesting radon removal is classified as a passive system. This is because the apparatus does not go directly through the home, but is fixed on the outside of the home.

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