Building a Two-Car Garage for Today’s Vehicles

by | Feb 9, 2018 | Construction and Maintenance

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By adding a two-car garage to your home, you not only add space for cars, storage, and other things, but you add value to your property. When deciding on what kind of two-car garage to have built, you must take into consideration a host of different things. The kinds of vehicles you drive or what are going to be the vehicles you have over the next four to five years. The larger the vehicle, the larger your two-car garage might need to be to adequately fit two cars and anything else you plan to store inside.

Today’s Vehicles

Many of today’s most popular vehicles, such as SUVs, are at least 16 and at times 17 feet in length. That leaves little or no room to walk around the vehicle with the garage door closed in many of the standard garages. That is why it is imperative to contact a garage builder in Indiana to discuss the different plans available or the possibility of having a custom built two-car garage.

More Than Just For Cars

Today’s garages have become more than just a place to keep cars safe and away from different weather conditions. Garages today have workbenches, tool boxes, recreational equipment, yard tools, lawnmowers, and more, all that take up space and make it more difficult to move around once the two vehicles are also parked inside.

Special Sizes

While it might not be feasible to add too much depth to your two-car garage, it is worth speaking to your garage contractor to determine if it is possible to add six to eight feet onto the garage. By doing this you can easily store all your yard equipment, add a workbench, and even have a small area for working out that could include a treadmill or stationary bike to exercise with.

Regardless of what you decide in the end, make sure you use a licensed garage-door contractor in your area that has a strong reputation for completing work on time, within budget and of high quality.

If you are looking for a garage builder in Indiana, please visit Garage Guys of Indiana, Inc.

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