If you find yourself with a mess on your hands because of burst pipes in your home, don’t panic. It’s easy to deal with things quickly if you involve the right professionals from the get-go. Start by making sure you turn off the water main so that there is no water coming in, then place a series of phone calls to get the ball rolling on your burst pipe repair in Fayetteville. It’s never a pretty situation when this happens, but with the right steps, you can get it handled quickly and with a minimum of stress and waiting.
Call 1: Water Damage/Restoration
This call might be optional if you catch the issue early enough, but if you come home to a flooded basement, you will want to get a call info the damage repair people as quickly as possible. That way, they can start working on drying things out before the water has a chance to do real damage.
Call 2: Emergency Plumbing
The next thing you need to do is to contact an emergency maintenance or plumbing service. Generally speaking, you don’t have time to do a lot of research, so it is most productive if you can choose by factors like how long they have been in service and how quickly they can respond.
Call 3: Your Insurance Company
The last call you need to make is to your insurance company because that will allow you to make sure you understand the details about payment and about what portions of the costs you will ultimately be responsible for. Most burst pipe repair in Fayetteville is covered by basic homeowners’ insurance, but you need to check with your specific plan to see how it is covered and what your deductible will be.
If you follow through with these phone calls, you should be able to take care of your pipe repair without worry or even much effort on your part. It’s not easy, but it’s easier than the alternatives. Click here for more information.