According to Federal Law, the sale, possession and use of any form of this drug is illegal so the “official” answer is – “no; you cannot”. Under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970; it is classified as a Class 1 drug of no proven use as a medicine and likely to be widely abused if readily available. To date; all efforts to get Government to amend this classification to a less restricted category have failed. However, some states have decriminalized its possession and use down to a misdemeanor and prefer not to waste resources chasing and prosecuting individuals who use it for recreational purposes. In addition, more than 20 states have passed legislation that allows for the its controlled sale and use for medicinal reasons.
Governor Pat Quinn of Illinois signed the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act on August 1ST, 2013 and it came into effect on January 1ST 2014. This allowed for recognized doctors and other medical practitioners to recommend therapeutic cannabis to patients already known to them. The allowance only applies to a stated list of conditions which ranges from AIDS/HIV; through cancer; to Tourette’s disease (currently, around 37 conditions are recognized as suitable for the sufferers to purchase and use remedial cannabis – other conditions are also being considered).
Approved Remedial Cannabis Dispensaries
Under the Pilot Program Act; Illinois residents can apply to the Department of Public Health for an Illinois Medical Cannabis Qualifying Patient Registry Identification Card; which, when obtained, can be used to purchase up to 2.5 ounces of medicinal cannabis every two weeks from an approved dispensary. As well as their physician’s diagnosis that they do in fact suffer from one of the listed debilitating conditions and could benefit from using therapeutic cannabis; there are other formalities to comply with (such as proof of official residency in Illinois). There are also fees to be paid and other documentary requirements.
Therefore, if you can meet all the requirements of the Pilot Program Act; it would seem that you can legally use this drug in any part of Illinois. But, be advised that the law isn’t quite that simple. Federal law says that it is illegal per se; it is state law that legitimatizes it for therapeutic use only. It might not be 100% national policy; but, basically, it is held that Federal law can override state law.
If you qualify for Medical Marijuana In Cook County Illinois; you will be pleased to learn that Greenhouse can meet your needs from one of their dispensaries located in the area. To know more details contact Domain.