Choosing the Best Pool Cleaning Company When the Pool Is Cloudy

by | Feb 26, 2018 | Swimming Pool Contractor

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Many people feel it is important to call a pool cleaning company when the water in the pool turns cloudy as something may be wrong. In fact, because it can become cloudy overnight, it might usually be a matter for the experts. Here we will learn more about the matter and determine the best pool cleaning company for a cloudy water situation.  There are a number of issues that can be the cause for this situation:

  • Environmental issues – You may not realize just what an impact the natural world can have on your pool. After all, the weather could be a cause for changes in the water in the pool, but also algae, wildlife, nearby construction, certain kinds of trees and plants, and, of course, people.
  • The Filter – When the pool’s filtration is off even a little, it can cause cloudy water. You should be running the filter system around eight to ten hours each day, and if you cut corners here, it is likely that you’ll get cloudy water at some point. The filter is meant to clean the water of any debris or materials that can cause it to bloom with a haziness, but it can also prevent the water from stagnating.
  • Chemical issues – Pools are usually treated with any number of pool chemicals. They create a delicate balance that is meant to keep the water sparkling clear. Yet, even one small misstep with pool chemicals can lead your pool to become a cloudy mess. If the pH is off or there is too much calcium, sanitizer or chlorine, it can all lead to cloudiness.
  • Shocking issues – If you are on a regular routine of pool upkeep, you are probably shocking the pool on a weekly basis. Interestingly enough, a pool’s water can become cloudy immediately after a regular shock, but this can usually be handled by running the filter until the water runs clear again.

You probably need a pool cleaning company if your pool is constantly experiencing lengthy periods of cloudiness. It could be one of the issues above, or it could be something mechanically wrong in the system. If you need a pool cleaning company in Phoenix, AZ, you want experts in all matters relating to cloudiness, pool maintenance and more. Orange Tree Pools is a family owned and operated business with decades of experience in serving pool owners in the region.

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