Civil Litigation with an Auto Accident Attorney in Oklahoma City

by | Apr 17, 2014 | Attorneys

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When an auto accident occurs there is a huge possibility this will result in civil litigation. The differences in opinions, regarding who is to blame for the accident, and the precise cause may lead to a legal dispute. If your case leads to civil litigation, consider retaining an auto accident attorney in Oklahoma City.

Millions of auto accidents occur each year and many result in serious injuries to the victims. This is certain to involve large financial losses due to medical bills and time lost from work. It is possible a lawsuit is the only effective method to assist in the recovery of losses.

What is Civil Litigation?
Once the lawsuit is filed with the court, this will allow for civil litigation to begin. This involves all of the steps that occur during the lawsuit process. Civil refers to a dispute between two people. There are a variety of reasons disputes will occur, and accidents are a common cause.

The plaintiff and defendant are known as the litigants in civil litigation. The attorney for each disputing party is referred to as the litigator. It is important to understand that civil litigation is a long process.

The Process of Discovery
Once the lawsuit has been filed and responded to, the discovery stage will begin. This will allow the litigants involved in the litigation process to answer a number of questions regarding the accident.

Written interrogatories are a large part of the discovery process and involve each party answering at least 25 questions that pertain to the case. The litigant who is responding to these questions should be thorough.

The deposition is a crucial part of the discovery process and will involve either litigant meeting with the other’s litigator in answering a number of questions. The litigant who is providing the deposition is required to be sworn in under oath.

The requests for production documents is a good time for either of the disputing parties to prove his or her case. This is achieved by providing written documentation, which proves the litigant’s case during this stage of discovery.

Finally, consult with the Cain Law office for the details regarding mediation and the possibility of the case proceeding to court.

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