Clear Signs That You Need AC Repair in Huntsville, AL

by | Aug 16, 2018 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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While nobody wants to deal with problems with their AC during the hot months of the summer, there are a few signs that you should be on the lookout for as a clue to when your AC is in need of repair. Hiring a professional to provide you with AC repair immediately when you notice these signs is the best way to ensure that further damage is not caused to your unit.

Your Unit Smells

While most people wait to call an expert for AC repair in Huntsville, AL when they notice that their unit is no longer blowing in cold air, if you pay attention to the way your unit smells you may be able to take care of a problem before it gets out of control. Foul smells that come from your vents are a clear sign that the installation on your wires have burned out. Any musty smells that you notice can be a sign that you have mold inside your ductwork or your unit.

There Are Leaks

Another sign that can clue you in to the need for AC repair is when there are leaks around your unit. Moisture that is coming from your unit can be a refrigerant leak that will need to be repaired immediately to prevent any health problems for your family. Pools of water near your air conditioner may be a sign that your drain tube has become broken or blocked.

Problems with your AC can vary from mild to disastrous, but the only way to find out for sure how bad the issue is, is to call an expert to come and repair the problem for you. It is not worth putting your family at risk of hot summer days or of health problems related to mold growth when you ignore problems. For more information about common issues you may run into and when to call for repair, visit

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