Common Garbage Disposal Problems

by | Oct 18, 2017 | Plumbing and Plumbers

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Your garbage disposal is one of the appliances that you rely on every day. Even though their mechanism is pretty simple, they are known to cause issues every now and then that might require the attention of a residential plumbing service in Atlanta, Georgia.


Your garbage disposal performs a hefty task by grinding up food and waste. Overfilling it can cause it to overheat. Overheating is very common and usually an easy fix. Push the reset button and if that doesn’t solve the issue, check out your circuit box to see if a breaker has been tripped.


Flip the switch and see if you can hear a hum or loud electrical sound. If you do, waste has gotten caught between the cutting blades. There are a few different solutions for this issue. Never put your hand down the drain. Fixing a jammed disposal can be a dangerous task, so contact a professional if in doubt.


Your garbage disposal can leak at the connection between the disposal and the sink or drain line. Furthermore, a leak is possible at the bottom of the disposal and where the drain hose of your dishwasher connects to the disposal. Fixing a leaking disposal can be difficult; and depending on your situation, contacting a residential plumbing service in Atlanta, Georgia can be the right choice.


It’s a sad truth, but garbage disposals can start to smell after a while. First, you want to clean the visible portion of the disposal, such as the removable baffle. If that doesn’t solve the issue, try using baking soda, white vinegar or lemons. Unfortunately, there might be some hard food waste clogging up the drain, which means that a more profound approach is necessary.

These are some of the most common garbage disposal problems. Some issues you might be able to fix yourself, but the more serious ones might require the attention of a residential plumbing service in Atlanta Georgia. Browse the website website  for more information.

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