Consult a Business Law Attorney in Angola, Indiana About the Importance of Your Employee Handbook

by | Sep 25, 2015 | Lawyers and Attorneys

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An employee handbook is a critically important business document, yet many small businesses do not have one, and sometimes when they do, it may have been hastily prepared and seldom updated. In the case of a dispute with an employee, the employee handbook could resolve the problem and prevent expensive litigation.

What Is the Purpose of an Employee Handbook?

  • Establish boundaries and expectations.
  • An employee handbook should detail the company’s rules and benefits, and the employee’s
  • Protect employers.
  • In the event of a dispute, the handbook may be considered by a court to be a binding contract. A well-structured handbook can prove to be invaluable.
  • Provide consistency among employees.
  • Provide information on the company’s policies.
  • It should cover topics such as holidays, work hours, overtime, performance reviews, dress code, training policies and termination.
  • Informs employees of safety policies and procedures.

These Sections Should Be Included:

  • Introduction. A brief description of the company history and business philosophy.
  • Work hours. Cover normal working hours for employees working full-time and part-time and the overtime policy.
  • Compensation. Include policies on how compensation is set, raises and bonuses.
  • Benefits. This includes vacation pay, paid and unpaid sick days and leaves of absence, health, insurance and retirement benefits.
  • Harassment. This should clearly cover sexual and other types of illegal harassment and state that this violates company policies.
  • Attendance. Cover the policy on repeated tardiness and unexplained absences.
  • Complaint procedures. Explain the procedure an employee should follow to resolve complaints. Consult a Business Law Attorney Angola Indiana on how a handbook can provide an important shield in the event of an employee lawsuit.
  • Email, Internet and cell phones. The company’s policies on the use of business email accounts, social network sites, internet usage and use of personal electronic devices should be clearly stated.
  • Discipline. State that unacceptable conduct, such as theft, fighting or harassment, can result in disciplinary action or termination.
  • Civility in the workplace. Establish that respect toward others, cooperation and teamwork are expected.

Consult a business law attorney in Angola, Indiana on how a handbook can provide an important shield in the event of an employee lawsuit. Thomas Law Firm PC is experienced in all aspects of business law, including employee handbooks. Even a small business should consult an attorney about drawing up or reviewing this important manual.

Not all employee disputes can be prevented, but a well-drafted employee handbook can resolve many problems, so schedule an appointment with an experienced business law attorney in Angola, Indiana to learn how to protect your business. Browse here for more information.

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