Contacting a Lawyer to Appeal Workers’ Compensation Claims

by | Nov 19, 2015 | Lawyers & Law Firms

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When a person is injured while they are working, they are supposed to be able to obtain compensation for their medical bills and their lost wages. Often, this is given unless the person purposely injured themselves or was under the influence of drugs or alcohol when the injury occurred. If neither of these apply, yet the person’s claim was denied, they may want to hire a lawyer who works with appealing workers’ compensation claims.

Just because a person’s claim was denied doesn’t mean they cannot obtain the compensation they’re entitled to. Often, a claim can be denied because of an issue with the paperwork, lack of evidence, or a failure to complete the paperwork in a timely manner. In these cases, a lawyer will be able to help them appeal the case, check over the paperwork and find out what other types of evidence are needed for the claim to be approved. They can also ensure everything is fixed and ready to be approved when the person’s appeal is filed.

The person may need to go in front of a judge to discuss their appeal and ask for compensation, and in these cases having a lawyer is extremely valuable. The lawyer will explain why the person was appealed, why the decision was incorrect, and how much compensation the person should receive. This is often enough to have the rejected claim adjusted and for the person to obtain the compensation they’re entitled to. The lawyer may need to show further evidence that the person did not cause the accident or was not under the influence to convince the judge to authorize a compensation amount.

Dealing with workers’ compensation claims can be frustrating, especially if the person is recovering from a serious injury. If their claim has been denied and they are entitled to compensation, it can be a good idea to hire a lawyer to look over the case and help them have their appeal approved. For more information on hiring a lawyer or how a worker’s compensation appeal works, contact Dulaney Lauer & Thomas, LLP today.

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