Degrees in Fine Art, What to Know About These Colleges Offering Art Degree Programs

by | May 21, 2018 | Arts

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It doesn’t matter what type of fine art degree you might be interested in, there are colleges out there that offer programs in things like painting, film, photography, digital media, and more. Earning a degree in one of these can help to boost your career goals in this industry. Here are some things you should know:

What to Expect from Coursework

Depending on where you earn your degree, the coursework won’t be exactly the same, but in most cases, you can expect similar genres. For instance, you will likely find art history to be a part of your curriculum no matter what you study. You will also usually learn about things like art criticism and art theory. There has also been a big influx of digital art appearing in these programs.

Types of Degrees Available

There are many degree options available when you want to pursue the fine arts. Associate degrees are one option, but most experts recommend a minimum of a bachelor’s degree. Most bachelor programs are four years in length, and they give you a great opportunity to enter into the professional fine arts field. Once you get your bachelor’s degree, you can consider if a master’s degree program is right for you. Generally, this is an additional two years of schooling.

Finding the Right School

There are many schools offering fine arts degrees, but that doesn’t mean they are all the same. Reputation matters, so make sure that you are doing your research, visiting the schools you are interested in and talking to present and former students about the programs. This is, by far, the best way to find out if a school will be right for you.

If you are interested in a fine art degree, one of the colleges to consider is the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Learn more online at

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