Demystifying Cosmetic Dentistry Scottsdale AZ

by | Nov 27, 2013 | Dental Care

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The cosmetic branch of dentistry is aimed at improving the client’s look. This is viable even when the function of the teeth has not been compromised in any way either in the teeth, bite or gum. There is a huge demand for Cosmetic Dentistry Scottsdale AZ, especially with the increased emphasis on appearance and image management. The way you look plays a big role in how you perceive yourself, which in turn is integral to your self-image and esteem. In boosting your appearance, you may feel the need to adjust some crooked teeth, elongate them, re-shape or make them whiter. This is where cosmetic dentistry comes in. Such procedures do not just serve to improve the appearance of your mouth, but very often, your face as a whole.

There are two main specialties in cosmetic dentistry. These are:

1. Prosthodontics

Here, the dentist deals with cases where the client has a missing tooth or is otherwise orally deficient. He/she is therefore responsible for diagnosing the condition, planning treatment, rehabilitating the patient. The dentist does all these while maintaining the teeth’s:


2. Orthodontics

In orthodontics, dentists deal with cases where the teeth are irregular, or where the teeth are not proportional to the jaw. Thus, this branch caters for clients with issues of displacement. The displacement may or may not affect the appearance of the client’s face.

Besides this, experts are continually developing revolutionary techniques in cosmetic dentistry. A good example is Invisalign Dentistry, where clear teeth-aligners are being used in place of the metallic dental braces that have been most common in aligning teeth. These clear aligners are removable, and their main advantage over metal braces is that they are not easy to spot. Thus, you can wear them without being self-conscious.

Even though Cosmetic Dentistry Scottsdale AZ is mainly considered to be for aesthetic purposes, it also plays a big role in improving your oral health. For instance, a client may go to the dentist looking to whiten discolored teeth. Experienced dentists at Feldhake & Associates often perform a thorough investigation in order to ensure that the discoloration is not a sign of other problems such as tooth decay. If there is a deeper issue, the dentist prioritizes treating the disease, even as they also perform cosmetic procedures to enhance your appearance.

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