Having difficulties with our smiles can be a huge thing. When we don’t feel confident in the way that we smile, we likely don’t feel confident in the way that we want to about most other things. When teeth are missing or damaged, that can create several issues on its own.
Dental Implants
What you need to know about dental implants in Sterling is that they offer a more authentic, realistic look than dentures. Implants are inserted right into the gum, basically acting as a permanent replacement for the tooth lost.
Not only that, but dentures can require quite a bit of care to maintain. Implants are cared for with basic brushing and oral care as you would with the original tooth. That means an easier level of maintenance while filling out your smile again.
Feeling Better About Our Smiles
The goal at the end of the day is to feel better about our smiles. We all have insecurities. Having to deal with missing or damaged teeth can raise that level of insecurity substantially. Give yourself the smile that you deserve by having dental implants put in. It can really change the way that you see yourself in the mirror each day. For more information to contact Cascades Center for Dental Health.