Generations of homemakers put together the delicious mixture of syrup, sugar, eggs and pecans and presented their dining room occupants with delectable pecan pies. It is not known when this southern tradition actually started-; maybe after the French settled New Orleans or perhaps the Karo Syrup company deserves the credit for the recipe. After the 1940s, however, this wonderful sweet dessert began showing up in popular cookbooks across the country and on countless holiday tables. Of course, with the new recipe came imagination and many variations of the gooey pie. There are many Pecan Pie Recipes in Phoenix worth sampling. A new favorite could be waiting to take its place on the holiday menu.
The unpretentious pecan pie recipe lends itself to easy variations. The additions of simple ingredients create whole new flavor and, thus, new traditions for holidays such as Thanksgiving. For example, many families see not only the original pecan pie as part of the smorgasbord, but also a chocolate pecan pie as well. Additions such as lemon, rum, bourbon, and even peanut butter will also tempt the palate. When one is ready to create the scrumptious dessert, Green Valley Pecan Company Store can assist in the recipes and help bring a new tradition to the table.
If it is tradition for a delicious pecan pie to adorn your holiday table or even have a place of honor after a Sunday meal, then let Pecan Pie Recipes in Phoenix help you discover many new ways to create this dessert. A little twist in a recipe could mean a new favorite and rave reviews for your kitchen. Maybe it is the classic version of the recipe that has family members clamoring for second helpings.
Whether new or old recipes, you cannot go wrong with the world of pecan pies. Enjoy this wonderful dessert and remember, it does not have to be just for holidays-; any serving of pecan pie makes the day a special occasion. Try the classic or a new variation and add a little excitement for your taste buds. Pecan pies are a truly satisfying dessert.