Do Pets in El Dorado Hills, CA Really Benefit From Organic Food?

by | Sep 22, 2016 | Convenience Stores

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The organic food market is booming right now. Consumers have millions of options, and just about everything can be obtained in organic formulas. How about dog and cat food? Is making dog and cat food organic an example of taking it a little too far? The first thing that should be addressed is an immediate misunderstanding.

Organic is Not Vegetarian

The belief that pets in El Dorado Hills CA should eat organic food is a surprisingly common one, but there is a misunderstood belief behind those who are against it. The misunderstanding is that organic is the same or similar to vegetarian. The idea that a dog should be vegetarian is absurd. Even diehard vegetarians would agree with this. There is organic chicken and organic beef because organic only applies to how it was created. Organic refers to how natural the food is. In the case of human food, it is the lack of any pesticides, hormones (in beef, but also some vegetables), genetic modifications (referred to as GMOs), and others. In short, organic food is grown and plucked. It is not treated to enhance the taste or how long it can survive in the truck. It isn’t dyed to look pretty. It just is.

The Standards

If most people knew how dog and cat food was made, they would be disgusted. Yet, some may dismiss it as perfectly natural. There are companies who are improving the methods of pet food production. for a list of companies who are organic. The bottom line is as follows. There is overwhelming evidence that detail the ramifications of pesticides and GMOs on humans. People know that organic is “better” for all intents and purposes. If the “better” is worth it is for them to determine, and many see it as a lot of bunk.

The research and understanding have applied to how non-organic foods affect humans. The same research has not applied to Pets in El Dorado Hills CA. Presumably, the same negative effects in humans may likely apply to dogs. It is up to the owner to determine if they want to explore this path with their pet. If they do, they may likely find a healthier dog along the way.

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