Elements to Include in a Funeral Program in Forest Hill

by | Nov 12, 2014 | Funeral Service

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When many people think of making funeral arrangements in advance, they focus mainly on whether to arrange for burial or cremation, whether to hold a funeral or a graveside service, and even what should go in the obituary. Another aspect of has to do with the actual Funeral Program in Forest Hill. Here are some tips on what to include in the order for that program.

Selecting Readings and Music for the Service – Funeral services are intended to provide loved ones to grieve and to seek comfort from one another. One of the ways to help with that process is to select readings and music that brings everyone together and helps them to deal with the loss. Choose readings that have some meaning to what was important to the person who is now deceased, and feature them as part of the service. In terms of music, go for selections that were enjoyed by the deceased while he or she was still alive. If the individual was religious, opt for hymns and other inspirational music that helps to bring comfort, hope, and good memories to those who are assembled. Singing those hymns together helps to create a tribute to the one who recently passed away, and helps to unite those who are still alive and well.

A Personal Message – Another element to consider as part of the Funeral Program in Forest Hill is preparing a personal message that can be shared with those at the funeral. In a sense, this is the last opportunity to tell friends, family, and others how much they meant to the individual during the living years. Make the note a general one that just about everyone in attendance can relate to. This act of kindness will often go a long way in helping loved ones heal from the loss. For those who are ready to start making arrangements in advance, the professionals at Evans Funeral Chapel and Cremation Services stand ready to help. They can provide guidance and suggestions that will make it much easier to come up with a program that allows loved ones the chance to mourn, remember, and to honor.


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