Everything You Need to Know About Pipes, Valves, and Fittings

by | Jul 18, 2022 | Industrial Goods and Services

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A pipe valve is a type of valve that has a movable disc or plate that can be moved in and out of the pipe to control the flow of water.

Pipe fittings are used to connect two pipes together. There are two types of fittings, compression and expansion.

Types Of Valves In Piping Systems

Pipes valves and fittings work together in a system. The most common valves in a piping system are ball valves and gate valves. Ball valves can be found in the start of a pipe and are used to regulate the flow of liquid or gas through the pipe. Gate valves are used at the end of a pipe and allow for one-way traffic through it.

Valves serve an important purpose. A wide variety of pressure relief valve and safety relief valve functions are available. A pressure relief valve is used to relieve pressure from an over-pressurized system, while a safety relief valve is used to prevent over-pressurization from occurring.

How Many Fittings Do You Need?

When it comes to pipe valves and fittings for a water pipe system, the answer to this question is dependent on the number of fittings and valves you have. The number of fittings and valves should be determined based on your water pipe size.

In general, there are four types of fittings that can be used for a water pipe: threaded, compression, flanged, or slip. Each type of fitting has its own set of characteristics that should be taken into account when sizing your piping system.

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