Exterminators in Phoenix, AZ can Safely Remove Honey Bee Hives from Walls and Grills

by | Dec 9, 2014 | Pest Control

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A couple might be sitting on their patio and notice that there are several bees flying around. Then they notice a strange humming sound and determine that it’s coming from their gas grill. They’ve been away for awhile and the cover has been down during that time. They should both resist the urge to investigate. Grills are a favorite place for bee swarms to start a new hive. While honey bees shouldn’t sting them, they could be in a lot of trouble if it’s Africanized honey bees. It could also be hornets, black jackets, yellow jackets or wasps. They should call Exterminators in Phoenix AZ for help.

These professionals will know how to determine what’s under the cover, without putting any people or animals in danger. If it’s honey bees, most exterminators will contact a professional beekeeper. Many of them will remove a hive for free, if they can keep the bees. It’s a good way for them to expand their stock. Africanized honey bees are a threat and must be destroyed. Homeowners often think that they can take a spray can, open the lid and kill the swarm. The can won’t work fast enough and they could be seriously hurt.

Bees also love to locate their hive in the walls of the house. Unlike the gas grill, they can exist there for a long time before they are discovered. Their sweet honey attracts many other pests such as ants, rodents and squirrels. While ants might just want a snack, rodents will stay around and chew through wires or wood beams. Exterminators in Phoenix AZ may have to remove part of the drywall to gain access to the hive. After they remove it, they have to clean up the honey. They also have to sanitize the area to ensure that there are no rodent or squirrel droppings. These can carry life-threatening bacteria and viruses.

Homeowners who are hearing strange sounds coming for their walls or grill can check out . It’s run by one of the companies who provide extermination services in the Phoenix area. They’ll learn how to deal effectively and safely with bees and other pest management issues.

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