Factors To Compare When Buying A Large Crosscut Saw

by | Aug 31, 2018 | Log Cutting Equipment

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In a general definition, a crosscut saw is any type of saw that is used to cut across the grains of the wood. With the grains of the wood running up and down the log, crosscut saws are used to cut across the log and are not used for splitting the log.

There are many different types of crosscut saws on the market. There are one and two-man manual types of crosscut saws, and there are large crosscut saws that are powered by gas or electric engines used in sawmills and in lumber production facilities.

The choice of the right option in large crosscut saws for industrial use is really a factor of the specific requirements of the sawmill.Understanding your needs and then choosing the saw to meet those requirements results in the best fit in the equipment to the application.


The design of industrial types of crosscut saws is always an important factor. Choose a brand with extensive experience in the lumber industry to ensure the construction and the design is built to stand up to real-world expectations.

While these saws are powerful, they should also be simple in their overall design. The more complex the design of the saw the more issues that can develop over time and with use.

Performance and Power

Ensuring performance and power meets the needs of the specific application is another factor to examine closely when choosing large crosscut saws. These systems can be designed to cut through entire packages with ease and precision, and they can even be fully automated for easy positioning of packages, cutting, and processing.

Controls and features on the cross cut system should also be considered when making a choice. Consider the kerf, the precision cutting ability and the ability to scale up and down the saw as additional components before buying.

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