Traumatic brain injuries could prevent a victim from ever recovering. For those who don’t die as a result of their injuries, they could sustain severe and life-altering effects. For the victims and families, a brain injury attorney presents their case and why they deserve compensation.
Changes in Behaviour
Select victims of traumatic brain injuries could suffer severe behavioural changes. These changes could prevent them from returning to the individual their families once knew. The changes are often severe in nature and cause some victims to become irrational and violent. For few patients, these changes are temporary and are reversed after a full recovery. In the most severe cases, the victim’s family must place them in a long-term care facility.
What Has the Injury Cost the Victim?
For some victims, the injuries cost them their memories. They lose pieces of their lives in which they need regain. This places a strain on families and couples. It could lead to divorce for some and estrangement for those who feel that their spouse has become a complete stranger due to their condition.
Victims may lose cognitive skills. They could lose the ability to perform routine daily tasks after they forget how almost instantaneously. They may need full-time care just to manage their lives without excessive difficulties. This could lead to further difficulties for their families who try to provide care and maintain their own lives.
When the Victim Is Incapacitated
Victims that become incapacitated are unable to take care of themselves. They cannot dress or bathe themselves. Eating becomes difficult and some victims never regain the ability to speak. These patients are often admitted into nursing facilities when families are unable to manage round the clock care. After these permanent injuries, they lose their lives essentially as their condition worsens.
Traumatic brain injuries kill hundreds of victims yearly. After an auto accident, surviving victims may require extensive care. This presents a serious financial hardship for their families. A brain injury attorney can help these families by helping them get the compensation they need to cover these expenses.
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