Medical malpractice is identified as any act of negligence or failure that produced a patient-related injury. Among the common types of malpractice is misdiagnosis, failure to identify terminal illnesses, improper treatment, and unnecessary delays in acquiring treatment. Any occurrence in which a life-threatening disease or illness is easy to identify, and the doctor failed to act quickly by providing effective treatment constitutes malpractice. Victims may contact a Medical Malpractice Attorney in Wichita KS to represent them in these legal matters.
Stipulations of Medical Malpractice in Kansas
In the state of Kansas, the maximum award for non-economic damages is $250,000; punitive damages may not exceed $5 million. Stipulations related to monetary awards prevent the defendant of a medical-malpractice lawsuit from seeking a reduction of their liability unless the damages sought in the claim exceeds $150,000.
The doctor as well as the medical facility in which the injury occurred are often listed in these claims. This deems the suit a joint liability. When this is the case, all defendants are responsible for the full amount of the settlement assigned. If one defendant is unable to provide compensation due to death or financial hardship, the additional individuals or organizations are deemed accountable.
Screening panels are utilized in medical-malpractice lawsuits. Their findings may influence the outcome of the case. An expert witness is needed to argue both sides of the case. Laws requires that any witness who provides testimony has practiced in their given field for at least two years prior to the case. They should have practiced in this area for no less than fifty percent of their career.
Patients who sustain injuries should seek a Medical Malpractice Attorney in Wichita KS who possesses subcategories within their areas of practice. These areas should apply to the patient’s case. For instance, he or she should hire an attorney that is familiar with birth-related trauma if their child was injured during birth. These victims have a two-year window to file a lawsuit to seek damages. This limitation begins on the day that the injury occurred. To learn more about medical malpractice, victims may contact The Law Offices of Kevin M. Smith, PA.