Most vehicle owners, whether new or used, do not keep the vehicle in pristine condition. Besides normal wear and tear, some owners get into accidents which cause the body of the vehicle to be misshapen and need reparations. Choosing a shop can seem incredibly easy but it is not so. Even though shops are proliferous, good shops are much more rare. Customers, like with any shopping activity, must do their research and know what to look for in a decent shop. This article will offer tips on finding the right shop and give an example of what one would look like. Though it will focus on the Stephens City, Virginia area, the details are applicable nationwide.
Drawing up a list of nearby shops that perform car body repair in Stephens City, VA, is the most helpful start to choosing a place. After the list is drawn up, call each shop and ask about their services. If the person answering the phone is rude or incredibly gruff, it is time to hang up. Look for a shop with friendly and efficient service. After weeding out bad shops, visit each of the rest on the list to obtain quotes for the damage done. Further whittle the list by eliminating those whose quotes are much too high. When visiting the shop during the quote process, look at the accreditation and condition the shop is in. If the shop is incredibly messy and haphazard looking, it may not be the best place to bring the vehicle.
One example of a shop that offers car body repair in Stephens City, VA, is patriot collision center. This company first opened up in 2004 and assures its customers that all employees are competent, the service is personalized, and the business is involved in its community. This company offers the Stars and Stripes Guarantee which is a warranty that covers body repair, paint, decals and striping, and body repair parts at varying levels of lifetimes. The majority of services rendered by this shop include frame and fender repair, mechanical repairs, body panel replacements, and paintless dent removal. Check out this shop for all body repair needs in the Virginia area.