It’s never easy losing a loved one and making funeral arrangements can be particularly taxing. Here are the answers to a few frequently asked questions about Direct Cremation to help people understand the process better so they can make the best decisions about putting their loved ones to rest.
How Long Does the Process Take?
The amount of time it takes to cremate a person depends on how big the person is and the type of container the individual is burned in. A large person in a casket can take up to 5 hours to be cremated. However, the time may be shorter for someone smaller or who is not cremated in a casket.
Is a Casket Required for Cremation?
No. Depending on where the person is cremated, the individual only needs to be placed in either a cardboard or wood box. In some areas, no container is needed at all. This means people who opt for cremation can save money by renting a casket for the viewing rather than purchasing one.
The only container required is one for the cremated remains. These containers should be big enough to hold up to 5 pounds of ashes. An urn that’s about the same size as a one-gallon can of paint should be big enough.
How Must the Body Be Prepared?
The only thing the family should do prior to having the body cremated is removed any jewelry or other keepsakes that they don’t want to have burned. The decedent doesn’t have to be clothed to be cremated. However, if the family prefers the person be dressed, then the individual should be placed in clothing the family doesn’t mind being destroyed.
What to Do With the Cremated Remains?
Cremated remains can be buried in a plot or placed in a columbarium. Other options include:
* Scattering the remains in the person’s favorite place
* Turning the ashes into jewelry
* Displaying the ashes in an urn in the home
* Burying the ashes in the backyard and placing a tree over it
There are many decisions that must be made when making arrangements for a loved one’s passing. For more information about Direct Cremation or assistance with making plans, contact Crown Hill Funeral Home and Cemetery. You can also like them on Facebook.