Any time you buy something for your business, you have to weigh your budget against how much value the purchase is going to bring to you. A company van that comes to you cheap might still not be worthwhile if you have to do a large amount of maintenance to keep it running or you can’t rely on it to perform when expected. A similar problem can come up with the hosting plans that you choose. If you can afford to spend a little more, an unlimited hosting plan can allow you to get the service you need without having to waste time worrying about how heavily you use it.
What people call limited hosting plans are usually those plans that only offer a finite amount of bandwidth in each plan period. Every time a file is transferred, it counts against the total that is allowed. If you reach the total, the site will typically be cut off entirely with nothing but an error page inviting people to check back sometime later.
This can be a very reasonable solution for personal pages where it isn’t a major disaster if the site becomes unavailable for a period of time. For a business, it is an entirely different matter. Private individuals don’t lose much by having their personal website become unavailable if they attract a lot of traffic due to a social media link going viral. On the other hand, this could mean a company losing out on the opportunity to reach a vast audience that normally would never hear of them, all because of something as simple as the limit on the amount of bandwidth their server is allowed to use.
JaguarPC – offers unlimited hosting plan for companies that want to make sure that their content remains available, no matter what. You won’t have to spend your time checking in several times a month to see how much has been used and to make sure that your traffic trends don’t imply that you’re likely to hit the limit before the beginning of the next plan period. It’s a much simpler way to operate, and it frees up some of your attention for much more important tasks.