Getting Braces In Elmhurst To Lower The Risk Of Decay And Periodontitis

by | Nov 8, 2023 | Dentistry

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If your teeth have an abnormal bite that results in misalignment, you may be more susceptible to dental decay and gingivitis. If gingivitis is not recognized and addressed early on, a severe form of gum disease called periodontitis may develop. Periodontitis can lead to painful, bleeding gums, and it can damage the bones that support your teeth. Here are some ways getting braces in Elmhurst can help reduce your risk for dental decay and periodontitis while enhancing your overall oral health.

Correct Malocclusion

Braces in Elmhurst can gradually shift your teeth back into place. If your teeth are overcrowded, you may be unable to effectively remove cavity-causing plaque from between your teeth. This is because overcrowded teeth can make the spaces between your teeth very tight so that you are unable to ease dental floss in the spaces to remove plaque. After your braces treatment is complete, your teeth will be evenly spaced so that your oral hygiene routine becomes more effective.

Prevent Broken Teeth

Overcrowded teeth not only have the potential to cause significant tooth pain, but they can increase the risk of broken teeth. This leaves your pulp susceptible to bacterial invasion that can cause dental decay and infections. Once your teeth have shifted back into their proper places and are no longer crowded, the risk of broken or damaged teeth significantly declines.

To learn more about the benefits of braces or to schedule an appointment with an orthodontist, contact Oakbrook Orthodontics or browse the website at

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