Getting Married Soon? Seeking Counsel for Matters Related to Family Law in Green Bay, WI

by | Jul 23, 2015 | Lawyers and Attorneys

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Now that the date is set and the wedding plans are underway, it is time to think about a few practical matters. In order to ensure the legal rights of each party is protected, it makes sense to speak with an attorney who is well-versed in family law in Green Bay, WI. Here are some of the ways that the attorney can help the couple make sure their legal affairs are in order before they march down the aisle.

Preparing a Pre-Marital Agreement

While the idea of securing a pre-marital agreement may not be all that romantic, it is actually the best way to protect the financial interests of both parties. Even though the couple has every intention of remaining together for the rest of their lives, the fact is that many marriages do end up in divorce. With this in mind, it pays to have some sort of legally binding agreement in place that protects the assets each party brings to the marriage. That same agreement will also make it easier to divide any assets acquired after the union takes place.

Structuring New Wills

That attorney who knows family law in Green Bay, WI can also help with the preparation of last wills and testaments. While most people plan on living to a ripe old age, there are no guarantees about tomorrow. Creating a set of wills that effectively ensures the other spouse is provided for financially if death does take place is a wise move. Remember that wills can always be updated later when and as the need arises.

Creating a Foundation for Estate Planning

Even if the couple is starting out with little in the way of financial assets, it is possible to begin the process of estate planning. The attorney will likely advise securing life insurance policies that name each spouse as the beneficiary. It would also not hurt to think in terms of a family trust or corporation structure and how it could come in handy in the future. Assuming the couple does plan on having a family, a trust arrangement would go a long way in making sure the money was present to take care of the children if something did happen to the parents.

For more help with legal matters, visit the website and arrange to consult with a family lawyer. Doing so will increase the odds of being prepared for any financial issue in the future.

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