Many people aren’t aware of the risks associated with periodontal disease. When the gums get red, they may think if they brush their teeth more, everything will be fine. However, that’s not always the case. It’s not just about only brushing your teeth. Periodontics in Gilbert AZ can be of great benefit for those suffering from this gum disease.
Flossing the Teeth
It’s crucial to not only brush your teeth 2-3 times per day, but floss them as well. The food that you eat can leave particles stuck between the teeth, especially by the gum line. No toothbrush can actually get every small space. The floss can get down by the gum line and between teeth easily. Doing this is going to significantly lower your risk of this gum disease.
Seeing a periodontist regularly
If you do happen to have this gum disease, it’s beneficial to develop a plan with the Periodontics in Gilbert AZ to see where you should go from there. They are going to provide extensive care to your teeth with the right tools and X-rays. With the X-rays and certain exams they do, the experts can see how far the gum disease has progressed.
Why it’s Important
Taking care of your gums is important because gum disease can lead to other health problems. It can cause heart disease, stroke, diabetes, etc. The reason for this is because your gums become inflamed and infected, and the infection can go into the blood stream and through the rest of the body. Thankfully, with proper periodontal care, these health issues can usually be taken care of .
Seeing the Periodontics in Gilbert AZ is going to ease your mind, as they can come up with a plan on how they are going to assist you. Once the plan is in order, they can then begin to work on the gums. If there is any dental work, which there most likely will be because of the no flossing issue, then they will start with that. Sometimes they may prescribe a medication or a topical oral gel to put on the gums once per day. As soon as you notice gum disease, it’s essential to contact the Periodontics in Gilbert AZ.