Has the Time Come for Furnace Replacement in Maple Grove?

by | Oct 4, 2017 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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With summer’s heat still lingering, thinking about your heating system may seem like a moot point. Though the furnace may not be an essential tool right now, it will be before too much longer. With that in mind, it’s a good idea to be proactive while you have the chance. Heating systems don’t always throw out obvious caution flags when they’re ready to stop functioning, but certain warning signs are surefire indicators it’s time for Furnace Replacement in Maple Grove.

Outrageous Energy Bills

As a general rule of thumb, heating and air conditioning systems lose around 10 percent of their original efficiency each year without diligent upkeep. While twice-annual inspections and routine maintenance can help thwart the loss, they won’t stop it completely. If you notice the energy bills are creeping up during the heating season, this may be the time to get rid of the old furnace and bring in a new one.

Poor Indoor Air Quality

Furnaces are part of a larger system designed to circulate warm, clean air throughout the home. Once they begin to degrade, so does the quality of the air they put out. Headaches, sneezing, itchy eyes, frequent sore throats, unusual amounts of dust, and numerous other issues are signs the air in your home isn’t as clean as it should be. When this happens more so during winter, it’s a good sign the furnace is nearing the end of its useful life.

Growing Maintenance Needs

As a heating system ages, it’s bound to need repairs even when routine maintenance is part of the equation. If your furnace begins to seem like it’s down more often than it’s keeping your family warm, a problem may be at hand. Most repair experts say if it reaches a point where repairs run about half the cost of a Furnace Replacement in Maple Grove, a new one is probably in order.

Aside from those warning signs, simple math comes into play. Heating systems are built to last at least 15 years. Furnaces that are 15 years old or more should be replaced with a new, more efficient model. If you’re not sure of how old your furnace is, a professional from Sabre Heating & Air Conditioning may be able to tell you. Visit the website for more information on furnace maintenance, repair, and replacement options.

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