Hemorrhoid Bleeding – Causes and Immediate Treatment

by | Feb 5, 2015 | Healthcare

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Although nobody likes to talk about them, most people have suffered from them. Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are a common affliction to many people. They can happen during pregnancy, or as you age. These small, swollen tissues are actually inflamed veins. They may look tiny, but they may cause hemorrhoid bleeding. The causes and immediate treatment are provided below.

What Are the Causes of Hemorrhoids?

If you strain when taking a bowel movement, you increase the pressure placed on the veins located around your anus, particularly in your lower rectum. Too much pressure and they will bulge and become engorged. Causal factors that will increase the pressure and may result in hemorrhoids include:

* If you strain during bowel movements

* If you sit for prolonged periods of intervals on the toilet

* If you suffer from bouts of constipation or chronic diarrhea

* If you are overweight or obese

* If you are pregnant

* When you go into labor

* If your diet is too low in fiber

* If you indulge in anal intercourse

* If you have specific medical conditions such as liver disease or long-term heart diseases

* Overuse of laxatives

Age also plays a role. People who are at least over 30 are more likely to suffer from hemorrhoids than those who are younger. They appear to become even more common after age 50, when the tissues around the rectum and anal regions lose their elasticity and can stretch out of place with greater ease.

What Are the Causes of Hemorrhoid Bleeding?

Hemorrhoids may bleed for a few reasons, the major one being irritation. An internal hemorrhoid may become prolapsed. When it does so, it is exposed increasingly to the stool. If the stool is large and hard, the hemorrhoid may suffer from trauma. This can produce bleeding if you strain while having a bowel movement. It can also be scratched or broken by rubbing.

Immediate Treatment for Bleeding Hemorrhoids

If you believe you have hemorrhoids, talk to your doctor. He or she can confirm your diagnosis. A physician can then recommend several ways to stop the bleeding and end the pain of hemorrhoids. Among the most common are the taking of non- steroid, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which are available over the counter. They will help ease the pain.

The application of cream and other topical ointments is also recommended. Your physician and/or pharmacist will be able to help you select a reliable and affective brand. Moreover, taking warm baths, arranging for a sitz bath, and considering a change in your life style, including your diet, will do more in the long run to prevent hemorrhoids and stop the bleeding from occurring.

If you know you have hemorrhoids, talk to the professionals at Chicago Hemorrhoid. We will discuss with you hemorrhoid bleeding, causes, and immediate treatment options. After assessment, we will determine which medical approach is best suited to address this health problem.


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