Hire an Asbestos Consultant in Syracuse NY for Safety

by | Dec 14, 2016 | Business

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Most homeowners know that it’s not good to have asbestos in the home. However, many are unsure exactly what it is and why it is harmful. Whether a homeowner is worried about the presence of asbestos or they want to learn more about it, this guide can answer some of the most pressing questions faced by an asbestos consultant in Syracuse NY.

Asbestos: What is It?

Asbestos is a name for a group of naturally-occurring fibrous minerals: chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, anthophyllite, actinolite and tremolite. Asbestos is renowned for its heat resistance and strength, which is why it was once commonly used in housing construction. However, research in the 1970s showed that asbestos could pose serious health and safety risks. By the 1980s, asbestos was removed from most building materials. Today, it is classed as a carcinogen.

Where Asbestos is Found

Asbestos can lurk in a home for years without an issue. It was frequently used in the construction of commercial and residential buildings from the 1940s through the 1970s, in materials including those listed below.

• Basement pipes and boilers

• Insulation of HVAC ductwork

• Plaster

• Vinyl tile

• Ceiling tile

• Shingles

• Blown-in insulation in the attic

Is Asbestos Always Dangerous?

Asbestos poses no threat if it is left undisturbed. However, it becomes very dangerous when materials are damaged. The fibers are released into the air where they can present an inhalation danger. Long-term or frequent exposure can lead to health complications, particularly in the lungs, the abdominal cavity and the heart. Trapped fibers can cause damage and inflammation that may lead to asbestosis, mesothelioma or lung cancer.

Determining if a Home Contains Asbestos

It is difficult to know for sure if a home has asbestos, but homes built between 1940 and the 1970s are more likely to contain it. If the home has uninsulated pipes with gray or white remnants on fittings, or if the flooring tiles are in nine-inch squares, there may be asbestos in the home. However, these signs are not always reliable, and the best way to know for sure is to contact us to hire an Asbestos Consultant in Syracuse NY.

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