Hiring a DWI Attorney in Austin

by | Sep 4, 2020 | Lawyer

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Every state has stringent laws on DUI, and these statutes sometimes go by these names:

* DWI (driving while intoxicated)

* DUI (driving under the influence)

* OUI (operating under the influence)

* OMVI (operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated)

Hiring an Attorney for DUI Help

Unlike in civil cases where your property can be seized, people facing DUI charges often face license revocation and jail time. By hiring a DWI attorney in Austin, you can evaluate your case’s circumstances and determine the best defense against your charges.

Use/Abuse of Which Substances can Leave me Vulnerable to a DUI Arrest?

You may think that the only way you can get a DUI is to be pulled over for driving drunk, but there are other ways. Illegal drugs, prescription narcotics and over the counter drugs that induce drowsiness (such as cold and allergy medicines) can all cause your driving to be impaired.

Common DUI Tests

There are a variety of ways law enforcement officers can determine whether you are operating a vehicle under the influence, such as:

* Field sobriety testing-;These tests involve the officer asking you to perform tasks meant to assess your motor control. Some officers also test your cognitive ability by asking simple questions.

* Onsite chemical testing-;Some law enforcement officers conduct onsite chemical testing, such as Breathalyzer tests that measure your BAC (blood alcohol content).

* Medically administered chemical testing-; Some departments, in conjunction with field sobriety and chemical testing, will retest you once you’re in custody in a medical setting.

The Implied Consent Law

Every state in America has an implied consent law, which requires drivers to submit to chemical testing if an officer reasonably suspects them of driving under the influence. Most states’ implied consent laws automatically suspend the driver license of anyone refusing to submit to a test, and some states use these statutes to enhance DUI charges.

DUI’s Affect on Driving Privilege

In most states, getting a DUI means an automatic suspension of your driver’s license, and in some states your car will be impounded until the suspension is lifted. Your suspension will depend on your DUI history, and the severity of your offense. Some states require the use of an ignition interlock, which uses breath readings to keep the car from starting if the driver’s BAC is above the limit.

To know more visit us online at Law Office Of Jesse Hernandez.

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