Hiring the Right Mover in Federal Way WA

by | Aug 18, 2017 | Moving

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People often have two choices when moving from one location to another: do everything on their own or hire a professional mover in Federal Way, WA. If a homeowner is going to tackle the move by themselves, they should ask themselves a series of questions. How many boxes will it take?

Should they get packaging materials like packing tape and bubble wrap? Is there a person or two that can help move heavy furniture? These questions must be answered well in advance of moving day, so here are some tips to help move things along.

Start very early

Packing up a home or business takes much longer than people imagine. Do not wait until the last moment to get started. Cellars or basements are generally the easiest to “pack” because most things in the basement or attic are already stored in boxes.

Folks can also move the process along by going room to room. If someone waits until the day of the move, there is a risk of rushing and, therefore, breaking something. This is a major advantage of hiring a mover in Federal Way, WA.

Move “light”

Unless there is a case of sentimental value, get rid of everything you have not used for a year or two. The movers set their estimate according to the volume and weight of what they are transporting, so sorting things out beforehand is synonymous with saving money. To be as efficient as possible, plan to go through all rooms at least twice, with a delay of one week between each pass.

This method will allow folks to get used to the idea of not taking everything with them. Just set aside things you may not want any longer and then go back that following week to determine if you really want to sell the item, donate it or trash it.

Label continuously

Do not just indicate on each box the part of the home to which it belongs. Write down its contents. When a person arrives in their new home, they will be happy to find whatever they need quickly.

Do not abuse the term “miscellaneous”, mainly because you run the risk of ending up with about ten boxes of various contents. Visit  for more information.

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