Chimney cleaning is an important maintenance task that too many households put off for too long. Every home that has a fireplace should consider hiring a cleaning service annually to keep their home safe and pleasant. A chimney fireplace cleaning contractor in Annapolis MD will provide a thorough cleaning and recommend a schedule to the homeowner that will keep the chimney properly maintained.
Chimneys accumulate soot and debris when regular cleaning is neglected. These materials prevent adequate circulation of air and cause fumes and smoke to back up into the home. The fumes are unpleasant, but they are also potentially dangerous. Carbon monoxide poisoning is a serious concern, and both wood-burning and gas fireplaces are at risk. Chimney fires are also possible in homes where cleaning was neglected or the chimney was not properly maintained. Even if the blockage is not severe enough to become a danger, it still causes unpleasant odors and enough smoke to irritate people with allergies.
Chimney cleaning makes it possible for the service to review the integrity of the chimney and identify concerns before they become serious problems. Problems with the liner, the chimney itself, or damaged caps that allow animals into the home are typical issues discovered during a cleaning. Birds and bats are a common problem in uncapped chimneys, and the mess they leave behind also adds to the odors and the blockages in the chimney. Damage to the liner or the chimney bricks can cause additional obstructions or allow sparks to exit the chimney and potentially cause a fire.
A Chimney Fireplace Cleaning Contractor in Annapolis MD will remove debris, replace caps, and provide advice or estimates regarding the other issues they discover. The cleaning will prevent the odors from sooty fires, but they will also eliminate the odor that drifts in during the warmer months when the chimney is not in use. When the chimney is clean, there will be no smell to have to worry about and the risk of a house fire will be greatly reduced. Contact Complete Chimneys LLC to schedule a complete inspection and cleaning. Their efforts will make the fireplace more enjoyable to use and may even save money by making it more efficient.