When you’ve been injured in an accident, it’s important to get medical care right away. Even if you don’t think you’re badly injured, a doctor can take a look to make sure there are no injuries that you can’t see or feel yet. Once you have spoken with a doctor, you’re going to want to speak with an Accident Attorney in Brainerd. The attorney can help you find out if your case qualifies as a personal injury, one that occurred due to the negligence of another person or a business, and if so they will help you get started on your case.
An Accident Attorney in Brainerd will not charge you for this initial visit. They will simply help you figure out if your case qualifies and if it does how much compensation you should be able to receive. This will most likely be more than the insurance company will offer you, so if you decide to hire the attorney they can begin a negotiation with the insurance company to get you the entire amount of compensation you’re entitled to.
During this entire process, you will not have to pay your attorney anything. In fact, if you do not win a settlement, you never have to pay your attorney. An accident attorney works on a contingency basis, meaning their fees are taken out of the settlement you are awarded. This way, you don’t have to worry about not being able to afford an attorney or having to pay them if you don’t win.
Your attorney will first attempt to get at least the minimum amount you need from the insurance company in a settlement meeting. If they cannot negotiate a reasonable amount that will cover all of your expenses, they will then take the case in front of a judge. The judge will make the final decision on what you’re entitled to based on the evidence from your lawyer and the one for the insurance company.
If you’ve been injured in an accident and you believe it is because of someone else’s negligence, speak to a lawyer before you accept a settlement from the insurance company. You may be able to get a much larger settlement than the insurance company is offering so you can be sure all financial aspects of your injury are covered. Make sure you call an attorney today to set up a consultation meeting and find out your options.