How Can a Family Dentist in Melbourne Save Your Tooth?

by | Nov 30, 2015 | Dental Care

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Nobody wants to suffer from tooth pain. Unfortunately, chronic tooth pain can result from an ongoing infection, decay, or injury. When a person’s tooth is causing them severe pain and is in danger of tooth death, a dentist needs to perform treatment right away. Through a root canal, the dentist may be able to save a patient’s tooth so it is not lost to necrosis. Through the Family Dentist in Melbourne, a patient can not only find relief from their pain but can also protect the health of their tooth.

When a patient is in need of a root canal, the dentist will first make sure the area being worked on is fully numbed. The tooth must be numb so the patient will not experience any pain or discomfort. Though many people are nervous about having a root canal, this procedure rarely causes any more pain than having a tooth filled.

The dentist’s goal will be to remove the diseased tissue and drain any infection that is in place. This process is done by opening the top of the crown and using specialized tools to remove the tissue that resides down in the tiny root canal spaces. The dentist also removes all of the pulp and the nerves in the tooth so the patient will no longer experience tooth pain.

The tooth then needs to be filled or it will not be able to withstand normal chewing action. The tooth is filled with a material called gutta-percha. This unique material is spongy so it is able to effectively mimic the pulp that once resided in the tooth. This is crucial since a person’s teeth expand and contract throughout the day. With this material in place, the tooth will not crack due to expansion.

On top of the tooth, the dentist will need to place a stronger filling material that will protect the tooth during chewing. This sealant helps to ensure the tooth will be able to remain strong without becoming damaged.

If you are in need of a root canal, it is important to contact the Family Dentist in Melbourne. For more information on this or other dental procedures, visit .

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