How CIPP Lining Works

by | Sep 19, 2017 | Business

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Though many people have heard of cured-in-place pipes, or CIPP lining service in McDonough, not everyone knows exactly how it works or the process that is used to install it. The process is actually fairly simple, and for those interested in learning how it is done or those who want to know what is going on in their yard, the process is easy to understand, if not always easy to do.

What’s the Problem?

The first step is finding out what the actual problem is. Some people will recognize that there is an issue with their pipes. Others might even have an idea of where trouble originates or what the problem is, be it a crack or fracture. Ultimately, it is important to know exactly where and what the issue is. For those who can’t discover this on their own, professionals send a camera into the pipe on a cable to get a look at the source of trouble.

Clean and Smooth

For the CIPP lining service in McDonough to work properly, the pipe needs to be pretty clean. Workers generally clean the pipe out using one of the methods at their disposal. Workers then measure exactly where the lining will go, how long the lining should be, and any other influencing factors.

Hard and Fast

This is the point where the resin and liner will be prepped for insertion. The resin will be mixed and prepared and, once it is ready, applied to the liner in a process commonly known as “wet out.” Once the liner has been sufficiently wet out, it will be ready to be inserted into the old pipe and left to cure. The liner is pushed down the old pipe using air pressure and an inflated calibration tube, acting as a balloon to keep the liner in place until the resin has dried and cured to the old pipe.

The More You Know

Once you understand the basics of the work involved in a CIPP lining service in McDonough, you’ll be ready to hire reputable professionals in your area. Enjoy the improved water pressure and clean flow of your newly lined pipes. Visit Website for more information.

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