Ortolarygologists also known as ENT physicians, study aspects of the Ear, Nose, Throat and the many diseases that can exist within them. Many common problems are sinus, hearing impairment, vocal straining, vertigo, and gastroesophageal disease or (GERD). Having to meet with an Ear Nose And Throat Doctor in Bethlehem PA is based on the severity of the disorder. Patients have been known to see an ENT specialist as much as one to two times a week for proper diagnosis of the ailment and to administer treatment.
Most of the Ear, Nose and throat issues children and adults face are allergy related. Pollen is one of the main culprits for causing wheezing, coughing, and itching symptoms to allergy stricken sufferers each year. Dry and windy weather conditions can carry pollen for extremely long distances. Trees, grass, and most weeds distribute the greatest number of pollen. For example, the ragweed plant can produce up to 1 billion pollen grains. Each tiny grain can travel over more than 100 miles.
Exposure to mold can also cause a number of allergy symptoms to arise. Sore throat, difficulty breathing, nasal and sinus congestion, nosebleeds, and respiratory tract infections are not easily associated with the often-undetected fungus. If mold goes unnoticed for a long period of time, overexposure can cause cancer, bleeding injuries, and immune disorders. Unlike pollen, mold exists indoors and outdoors. All weather conditions have a great effect on the growth making it much harder to predict.
Food allergies are unpredictable and unusual effecting ones behavior, skin, and overall health. Milk, soy, peanut, and shellfish allergies are the most common. Children can outgrow food allergies over time, but in some cases serious illness and even death can occur. According to The New York Times, the number of emergency room visits for anaphylaxis has increased in the past decade. Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction affecting as many as 90,000 people each year. There have been many deaths associated with Anaphylaxis. However, statistics are difficult to gather because of deaths being labeled as cardiac arrest.
It is suggested that patients meet with an Ear Nose And Throat Doctor in Bethlehem PA once every year for a standard checkup. Ordinary conditions can become a problem if left untreated. Visit to our website.