How the Treatment Plan Affects Your Social Security Disability Claim

by | Mar 14, 2019 | Lawyer

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Qualifying for Social Security disability benefits requires that your medical condition either prevents you from working for at least a year or will result in death. One of the ways the disability examiner determines the severity of your condition is by assessing the type of medical treatment you are receiving. If you are being treated on an inconsistent basis, the disability examiner may decide that it undermines the validity of your claim. It’s beneficial to seek assistance from Social Security disability attorneys Missouri because they will be able to effectively communicate the legitimate reasons why you aren’t receiving treatment on a regular basis.

Unable to Afford Healthcare Costs

When you aren’t able to work as a result of getting hurt or becoming ill, it could have a significant impact on your finances. You may have to reduce household expenses and delay the payment of your bills. Being unable to pay for medical expenses may also become an issue. Even when you have healthcare coverage, it may not cover all of your expenses. This could prevent you from getting necessary medical treatment. Applying for Social Security disability benefits is an attempt to ease some of those financial burdens so that you can continue to get the medical treatment you need.

Doctor Recommends Changes in Treatment Plan

If the doctor decides the course of treatment is ineffective and isn’t improving your health, he could make changes to the treatment plan. The doctor may need some time to figure out other treatment methods that will help you or seek advice from another doctor or specialist. During that time, the doctor could reduce the number of appointments you have or temporarily stop certain treatments until he figures out how he wants to proceed.

Painful Symptoms Prevent You from Going to Appointments

The symptoms associated with your medical condition could be so severe that they prevent you from leaving the home. You may have a very difficult time getting up and going to the doctor’s appointment. If your condition is debilitating and you aren’t able to get assistance from a family member, friend, or can’t afford to pay a home health aide to help you get to and from appointments, you may not be able to receive the treatment you need due to circumstances that are out of your control.

Consult a Social Security Disability Lawyer

It’s important to document everything going on with your case or it could jeopardize your chances of getting disability benefits. Social Security disability attorneys Missouri can present your claim in a manner that accurately reflects the severity of your condition and documents everything you are doing to get the treatment you need.

If you are seeking help with your Social Security disability application or want to file an appeal after your claim has been denied, contact the Grundy Disability Group. Fill out the contact form and schedule an appointment with an experienced attorney.

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