How to Choose the Right Volleyball Kneepads

by | Jan 15, 2014 | Games & Sports

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If you play indoor volleyball, you might think kneepads aren’t necessary. They look silly, and they’re just thick socks, right? If you have ever slid on your knees across a gym floor after diving for the ball, then you understand the importance of wearing protective equipment when playing indoor volleyball.

Choosing the right Volleyball Kneepads for you is pretty straightforward. The most important thing to consider when buying them is what type will work best for you. There are only a couple different types to choose from, so it shouldn’t be extremely difficult to choose what you need. The two types of volleyball kneepads are the thicker type, often referred to as bubble, and the thinner ones, often called skinny or flat style kneepads. The bubble type of Volleyball Kneepads has a thick padding that surrounds the knee. This type of knee pad offers better protection but is quite bulky and not very flexible. They also tend to slip down at the most inopportune times, especially when sliding, meaning you could end up sliding across the bare floor anyway.

Because of the disadvantages, they are not that popular anymore and are becoming more difficult to find. Skinny kneepads are the most popular type. They are light and flexible while offering adequate protection for the bumps and bruises you might get while playing volleyball. The one disadvantage they have is that they don’t have as much padding as the bubble type. They do stay in place, however, and offer superior flexibility in comparison.

Deciding what type of Volleyball Kneepads you want should not be a tough decision. If you do tend to play in a way where you land on your knees a lot, it may be worth trying to find a good pair of the bubble variety. For all other situations, skinny ones should suffice. The only other thing you need to consider is what size you will need. Make sure they are tight enough to offer support and stay put, but not so tight they cut off your circulation. You may also want to consider getting a darker color, so they won’t look dirty so fast, but that is just cosmetic and obviously won’t affect your game-play.

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