Obviously, one of the reasons that you ask for several estimates from different companies is in order to save the most amount of money possible. When it comes to moving it is a wise decision to get a few different estimates so that you can carefully estimate your own needs as well. When comparing estimates you can ask detailed questions such as just how big of a truck is recommended for your move and the charges that are applied to a do-it-yourself move or one where items are packed for you. Call around to various Mover Naples to get bids on your home.
The horror stories run rampant within the moving industry unfortunately and while there are a lot of times when it is the movers fault, there are many situations in which the client was not specific or did not know what to expect. When you call around to different movers get the most detailed information you can from each one and be wary when you have to struggle to get information such as insurance and exact dates you need to move.
The basics in the industry are for trip charges and for amount of stuff to be moved as well as speciality items or extra heavy or difficult furniture. For instance, if you have a four room home that you need moved you can expect a quote for a 26 foot truck. On the light side, a two to three bedroom move will be as small as a 17 footer. As you can expect anything under 30 miles away is considerably cheaper than if you are doing a one way trip out of state. You can expect at least a 50% charge for the one way trip with smaller companies.
Lastly, compare the price for what the average Mover in Naples will cost you and see if you can’t do the move yourself. Factor in mileage, friends to help move, as we all as time involved. The different in price may not be that different and you can save yourself a lot of back breaking work by hiring professionals that do this for a living. Small things like moving dishes to breaking down a piano are not easy to plan and pack.