Whether or not you are a safe driver, there is a good chance you will be involved in an automobile accident in your lifetime. If you have never been involved in an accident, dealing with your insurance company may be a frightening prospect. You may worry that your rates will go up or that they will drop you from your policy. The most important thing for you to do after an accident, though, is get the information you need to file a claim.
The company that provides your car insurance in Middletown, CT will need a copy of the police report, so notify the police as soon as possible. If no one is injured, the police may not arrive right away. Take pictures of all of the vehicles involved in the accident before anyone moves their car. Whenever possible, take the photos from different angles. If the cars are moved before the police arrive, your photographs will help the police determine the official cause of the accident. Your insurance company may also want to see your pictures.
After you contact the police, call your insurance company. Your insurer can tell you what information you should get from the other driver and may ask you questions about the accident. If anyone in your vehicle was injured or if you will need a tow truck, tell your insurance company’s representative. After the police officer finishes the report, your agent will either send an adjuster to determine how much the insurance company will pay for your damage or tell you where to take your car for an estimate.
Many accidents are witnessed by other drivers. If another driver stops to help, ask for their name and phone number. Witnesses are especially helpful in serious accidents where one or more people are injured. You also need to exchange information with the other drivers in the accident. Write down their driver’s license information as well as the information on their insurance card. You may also be able to find insurance and contact information for the other drivers on the police report.
Click Here for more information about filing a claim for your car insurance in Middletown, CT.