How To Repair Paint Damage Before Visiting A Shop For Auto Body Repair in Johnson County

by | May 25, 2018 | Auto Service

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When the paint is chipped on the body of the car, it can be a frustrating experience. Not only does the damage cause the car to lose some of its looks, but the scratches or chips can lead to rusting of the metal. This can be avoided if one knows how to repair themselves, which is generally fairly easy, especially if the chip is small. This way, the need for a trip to the Auto Body Repair in Johnson County can be avoided and used only in the event of major repairs.

The first thing that needs to be done is to determine just how severe the damage is. A small paint chip is usually considered one that is less than the size of a dime. The larger a chip, the more difficult it becomes to repair. Other factors which can come into play in regards to the difficulty of repair are if the paint is flaking or if there is rust present.

Differing from a scratch in that they require more work than a buffing, a chip will require that fresh paint is applied to the area. Luckily, there are such simple tools as paint pens which can easily help to repair the damage to the vehicle. While some vehicle owners may not particularly care if the paint is chipped or not in an aesthetic sense, they still need to get it repaired as the paint is not there just for looks but to protect the metal underneath.

Before using a paint pen, it is very important to wash the area around the chip. By leaving dirt or grime on the affected area, the applied paint may fall off, once again revealing the damage beneath. This would necessitate a visit to the shop for Auto Body Repair in Johnson County.

After the area is cleaned thoroughly, apply the fresh paint using the paint pen. Do this by placing the pen on the damaged spot and then pressing down to release the paint. There may be a need to move the pen ever so slightly to ensure the entire area is filled. After the paint is dried, wash and wax the entire car to restore the vehicle to pristine condition. If more information is needed, or if the damage is too extensive to repair on one’s own, feel free to click here to Learn more about us and the services offered.

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